Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Final Projects

Congratulations, you made it to the final mandatory assignment for the year!  For this assignment, we would like you to make a project on the iPad about the iPad.  Use iMovie, Keynote, or any other app you can think of to create a short (1-2 minute) presentation or movie.  Tell us about how the iPad could transform your classroom, how you have used the iPad, or maybe highlight one activity that you did with the iPad...anything that involves your iPad is fair game.  You may want to include screenshots of your notes or apps you use.  You can also record yourself in iMovie.  Creativity is a plus for this assignment!
We gave the students in our pilot a similar task called "A Day in the Life of My iPad".  The video below is one example.
When you have completed your project, you can submit it to the iPad Teacher Group conference located on your First Class desktop.  Make sure you include your name in the filename. Please let us know if you need help getting your presentation turned in.  If you made a movie on your iPad, you can save it to your camera roll.  Once you have done this, you can open the folder within First Class on your iPad and click on the plus sign.  You will then be able to upload your movie (use the Upload Photo option). If you make a Keynote presentation. email it to yourself and then forward the email in First Class to "iPad Teacher Group".
This assignment is due January 4th.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

iPads and iTunes U Webcast Series

Apple is offering a three-part series on using the iPad to customize your course.  The series take place at 1 pm EST on November 13th, November 27th, December 4th.  For more information, or to sign up, click here.

Using iPads in a non-iPad Classroom

Many teachers who are not part of the iPad program, and do not have an iPad themselves, have students with iPads enrolled in their classes. We would like you to comment below with your suggestions for how they can make the most of having these few devices in their classroom.

This assignment is due Tuesday, November 13th.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2012 Paideia iPad Grant

There is not a new blog assignment this week in order to give everyone a chance to work on their grant applications. 
All current and past participants of our teacher pilot program are eligible to apply for our iPad grant.  A limited number of iPads will be awarded. An application was emailed to you.  If you have any questions, please see Amy.  All applications are due by Wednesday, October 31st at 4pm.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ebooks...What's your opinion?

We would like your feedback on using ebooks at school.  If you or your students have used any ebooks for your class, please comment below and let us know what  your experience has been.  We would like to know which ebooks you have tried, what app you are using to access the books, the pros and cons of ebooks, and anything else you think we should know about your experience with ebooks.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


"Tools are important and necessary, but they come and go as better tools come along. Obsess instead about ideas."

For your first assignment of this school year, we would like for you to read an article entitled The Secret To Successfully Using iPads in Education.  In the article, the writer states that iPads should be used "as a tool that can help students solve specific problems, overcome certain obstacles and create content to demonstrate their understanding." After reading the article, think about a way that you can use the iPad(s) in your classroom to do each of these things. Test out your ideas in your classroom and write about what you did in the comments section. Your comment to this post should be in three parts:
1.  I used my iPad(s) in my classroom to have students solve the problem of...
2.  I used my iPad(s) in my classroom to help students overcome the obstacle of...
3.  I used my iPad(s) in my classroom to have students create...

This assignment is due Monday, October 8th.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Assignment #3: Planning ahead

For this assignment, we would like you to plan a project for the upcoming school year that incorporates iPads.  Assume that you would be using the seven checkout iPads during this project.  Describe the activities you would do during this project.  Don't forget to include any app names.

Summer Assignment #2: iPads in the News

iPads in education is a hot topic making headlines everywhere.  Please tell us about any article, research, or website that you came across this summer that had interesting information about iPads in eduction.  If possible, include information on how to find the original source that you are summarizing.

If you need a place to start looking for resources, don't forget about Paidiea's own Tech Daily or Diigo page.

Summer Assignment #1: App Awards

Please comment below with an app that would win your award for each of the following categories:

  • Most useful app 
  • Best notetaking app
  • Best app to use in my area/department/grade level
  • Best app to use if I was in a different area/department/grade level
  • Most entertaining app
  • Best app to keep me organized

Summer Open Thread

If you have any "aha" moments this summer or have questions for the other iPad participants, please use this summer open thread.  Feel free to comment with anything iPad-related!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teaching with your iPad

For this assignment, we would like you to use your iPad during one of your classes with your students.  Once you have done so, comment to this post and write about what you did, as well as your reflection on the experience.
Some ideas for how to use your iPad in a lesson are:
  • project an app for your class to experience together
  • make a movie (or have a group of students make a movie) to share with the class
  • assign a class scribe or researcher
  • make a video tutorial on Screenchomp or Educreations to email to your students
If you can't think of anything, consult with your mentor or read back through this blog (there are dozens of uses listed throughout!).  This assignment is due Monday, May 21st.

Intro to File Sharing - May 16th

Confused about how files should be transferred between your computer and iPad?  Not sure how you can send documents to your students electronically?  Want to move towards a paperless classroom? If so, we invite you to join us on Wednesday, May 16th for a session on file sharing and management.  We'll give you an overview of resources like Google Docs, First Class Conferences, Dropbox, and iCloud. We will share the pros and cons of each.  We welcome new iPad users, as well as experienced users who would like to share their experiences.  We will meet in the tech center at 10:10am. RSVP to Amy Valk.
*If you would like to attend, but this time doesn't work, let us know and we will try to make a second session.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

iPad Accessories

Have you tried a stylus for your iPad?  If so, please comment below and let us know the name, price, and what you think about it. 
Also, don't forget that we have adapters available so you can show what's on your ipad through your projector.  Stop by the tech office to pick one up.  We also have camera connectors if you ever need to transfer pictures or video to your iPad

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

iPad Tutorials

Did you know that our school webpage has an entire page devoted to iPad tutorials?  For this week's assignment, we'd like you to go check it out. Open our school webpage and navigate there by going to About Us>Technology>Technology Resources>iPad Pilot Project>Using Your iPad.  Once you are there, review at least three of the videos that you think would be most helpful.  Comment on this post and tell us which sections you watched and what you learned.  Also tell us something that you would still like to learn.  We'll use your suggestions to plan future trainings.

This assignment is due May 7th.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Words of Wisdom

This is the first assignment for our new group of teachers.  For an assignment to be completed, you must click on "Comments" below and add your comment.

Assignment: Meet with your mentor and ask them what they would have liked to have known when first getting started with their iPads.  Share with us their words of wisdom.

This assignment is due April 23rd.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Welcome new teachers!

We are excited to have many new teachers joining our iPad program.  If you are one of these teachers, please take the time to read through all of the posts on this blog.  To read the comments left by the teachers in our pilot group, click on "Comments" at the bottom of each post. You may also find that the posts from the student blog are helpful  The address for the student blog is www.studentpipads.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apps and Zerts March 8th

We will be having a Lunch and Learn for anyone in out pilot program on Wednesday, March 7th featuring apps and zerts!  Bring your lunch (aka 'tre-'tre) and your iPads, and we'll provide desserts.  We'll be discussing our favorite apps, so please think about which ones you would want to share.  We will meet in the old elementary library meeting space at 12:45. Please RSVP to Amy Valk by March 6th.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Only 1 iPad in the classroom?

Many of you have remarked on the limitations of having only one iPad in your classroom. This article is chock full of ideas for making the most of what you have.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hot Apps for Higher Order Thinking

Hot Apps 4 HOTS  is a free ebook about iOS apps that can be used to help students practice and develop higher order thinking skills. The book takes readers through a series of apps that are aligned to the various parts of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. Examples and suggestions for app use are included in the book. As Hot Apps 4 HOTS is an ibook, it can only be viewed on an iOS device.

This is a great book to check out if you need ideas on how to integrate the iPad into your classroom.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Graphic Organizer App

Here is a review of an app that is recommended for use with students in grades 3 - 12. Looks like it might be a good one!

Friday, January 27, 2012

1/26/2012 Meeting Notes

In respect to Paideia as a learning environment, what is the best feature of the iPad?
Student resistance to using the iPad over the laptop or desktop for research.
Organization apps and easy access to notes and resources (vs. sifting through backpack/binder) Hands-on/interactive apps with visual support.
Students are so interested. They love to use it.
The apps are up to date.
Math and grammar practice with apps.
 Science information is up to date.
Portability, collaborative use
Kids and adults can get a boatload of resources and materials.
It's also far far more intuitive than other resources I have had in my room.
The novelty factor is high and the intimidation factor is low.
No paper
Bringing it out immediately draws a crowd of students who want to do whatever is on it
Instant access to information; efficiency
Students having everything in one place.

In respect to Paideia as a learning environment, what is the worst feature of the iPad?
Differentiating instruction given that everyone is using different devices. Use, even for educational apps, during social times.
Potential distractor
How to effectively use one ipad
Keeping kids off them during break and lunch.
Difficulty writing w/o a stylus
I only have the one..and there isn't the equivalent options or materials on the net books.
Making them turn it off and move to next class.
Being sure kids use the app I want them to use.
Bad posture
The lack of a good interface with Google docs.

How did you use your iPad the most?
As a camera 21%
To record teacher notes and records 12%
Web browsing 9%
To create documents, movies, slideshows, etc. 9%
Emailing 3%
Subject-specific apps  30%
Games 6%
Other 9%

What additional support or resources do you need to make iPad use in your classroom more successful?
More outlets in our classroom
More battery life
Continued training opportunities for teachers and students; a central location with easily accessible folders for specific issues/ideas; department meetings devoted to sharing and teaching uses.
An easier, simpler and quicker way to sync.
I would really like to have a separate teacher iPad to make into my clipboard and not have a problem with kids seeing my notes
More iPads...app lists or resources would also be useful.
More iPads, finding appropriate apps, more training.
Student access to iPads
The lists of apps would be great.
Just more iPads.
Times to share ideas face to face.

Do you think going one-to-one with iPads would benefit our students?
Absolutely 58%
Probably...it couldn't hurt 33%
It's not worth the money 8%
It would have a negative effect on student learning 0%

What are your favorite apps?
Smarty and the 12 gods
Theres an awesome greek mythology app....
Art authority
Calendar with google sync
Teacher notes
Call Web
Beat the computer

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The textbook. Reinvented for iPad.

Apple recently made a big announcement about their textbook project known as iBooks 2. This application allows students to take advantage of education eTextbooks from big name publishers Pearsons, Harcourt, and McGraw-Hill at very low prices. Along with iBooks 2, Apple unveiled the program allowing individuals to publish to iBooks. iBooks Author is the free mac program that is creating future textbook authors.