Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ebooks...What's your opinion?

We would like your feedback on using ebooks at school.  If you or your students have used any ebooks for your class, please comment below and let us know what  your experience has been.  We would like to know which ebooks you have tried, what app you are using to access the books, the pros and cons of ebooks, and anything else you think we should know about your experience with ebooks.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


"Tools are important and necessary, but they come and go as better tools come along. Obsess instead about ideas."

For your first assignment of this school year, we would like for you to read an article entitled The Secret To Successfully Using iPads in Education.  In the article, the writer states that iPads should be used "as a tool that can help students solve specific problems, overcome certain obstacles and create content to demonstrate their understanding." After reading the article, think about a way that you can use the iPad(s) in your classroom to do each of these things. Test out your ideas in your classroom and write about what you did in the comments section. Your comment to this post should be in three parts:
1.  I used my iPad(s) in my classroom to have students solve the problem of...
2.  I used my iPad(s) in my classroom to help students overcome the obstacle of...
3.  I used my iPad(s) in my classroom to have students create...

This assignment is due Monday, October 8th.