Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apps and Zerts March 8th

We will be having a Lunch and Learn for anyone in out pilot program on Wednesday, March 7th featuring apps and zerts!  Bring your lunch (aka 'tre-'tre) and your iPads, and we'll provide desserts.  We'll be discussing our favorite apps, so please think about which ones you would want to share.  We will meet in the old elementary library meeting space at 12:45. Please RSVP to Amy Valk by March 6th.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Only 1 iPad in the classroom?

Many of you have remarked on the limitations of having only one iPad in your classroom. This article is chock full of ideas for making the most of what you have.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hot Apps for Higher Order Thinking

Hot Apps 4 HOTS  is a free ebook about iOS apps that can be used to help students practice and develop higher order thinking skills. The book takes readers through a series of apps that are aligned to the various parts of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. Examples and suggestions for app use are included in the book. As Hot Apps 4 HOTS is an ibook, it can only be viewed on an iOS device.

This is a great book to check out if you need ideas on how to integrate the iPad into your classroom.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Graphic Organizer App

Here is a review of an app that is recommended for use with students in grades 3 - 12. Looks like it might be a good one!