Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Assignment #1: App Awards

Please comment below with an app that would win your award for each of the following categories:

  • Most useful app 
  • Best notetaking app
  • Best app to use in my area/department/grade level
  • Best app to use if I was in a different area/department/grade level
  • Most entertaining app
  • Best app to keep me organized


  1. The most useful app so far is the Sibley bird app. It makes for quick reference both at home and in the field. The app also provides a useful teaching tool for both beginner and advanced bird enthusiasts.

  2. The best note taking app is bamboo paper. It is free and allows one to have notebooks.

  3. The best app for my grade and area is called middle school writing. the app guides students through the writing process in a thorough, step by step manner. access able to all junior high levels.

  4. Again, I would have to recommend the Sibley bird app for science teachers. the Audubon app is of equal quality nevertheless, although a bit more pricy

  5. My mentor Omanster, suggests I try The presidents. We messed with this app and had a riot. salient facts and an interesting interface

  6. Organized... I Cal. I rely on it daily.

  7. Most useful App: Dropbox, because it makes it so easy to share files between my computer and iPad

    Best notetaking app: So far, Penultimate, but there are several I haven't used yet

    Best app for chemistry: Atoms in Motion. A great , interactive way for students to visualize the motion of atoms.

    Most entertaining app: Draw Something

    Best app to keep me organized: Probably the calendar app, since you can sync it with a Google calendar

  8. Maps app is very useful for travel. GPS comparisons.

    I like Notes for its simplicity and have jotted down lists and ideas all summer on it.

    So far, Brushes seems to be the best art-making app. I almost bought a watercolor app just to see what it was like, but shied away from it. Some of these art apps seem too artificial. Art history and appreciation apps that appear to be quite useful are Da Vinci (good for all ages) and Gagosian (better for HS students).

    For people who like to travel, the Fodor’s travel apps by city are entertaining. But then I search websites for beach houses months before a vacation and apartments to rent in cities just for fun. When I go to one of the available cities, I will definitely use the Fodor’s app as a source.

  9. I bought Nomad Brush tool to use with drawing apps. It is expensive ($35 for two different brushes) but feels much more authentic than a pencil-like stylus. It was recommended in an article focusing on the Brushes app.

  10. olivia howe browneJuly 29, 2012 at 12:33 PM

    the most useful: google calendar app.
    best note taking: I am busy exploring Evernote which I can access on the web and it is easy to add photos to notes etc. I need more time on this.
    I also use notes and then take a picture of it to store in my photos if its something I need to refer to later.
    best for my department: word reference - online dictionary
    best for a different subject - Khan academy. I am re-learning math!
    most entertaining: I am obsessed with backgammon so have a backgammon game which is quick and neat and addictive.
    best for organization. Am currently using sticky notes basic but colourful. I also use google calendar.

  11. Most useful app: Either Noteability (for note-taking, of course) or Educreations (for making screen capture videos)

    Best notetaking app: Noteability! The magnifying feature makes it easy to add detail.

    Best app to use in my area/department/grade level: Eventually, the HMH Fuse series, but not until every kid has an ipad. They are full texts with built in videos and gadgets.

    Best app to use if I was in a different area/department/grade level: I haven't done much exploring in areas outside my department or grade level, but the Star Walk app that David posted a while ago sounds pretty neat!

    Most entertaining app: For me right now, the Hello Baby app is pretty entertaining! It shows week by week progression and images.

    Best app to keep me organized: Noteability, again. I love being able to file my class notes by subject/class and email them to students.

  12. Most useful app
    I am on my NYTIMES app a lot. It is great because you can once you open it the paper is downloaded and you can read whether you are online or not.

    Best notetaking app

    So far I have done everything in Notes, which I really like for its ease. I purchased notability, but have not got a complete hang of it.

    Best app to use in my area/department/grade level

    I like the AP US app - it has great quizzes and can be used as a review tool for any student.

    Best app to use if I was in a different area/department/grade level

    Not sure - I think socrative could be great for every subject.

    Most entertaining app

    iMovie - it has been a lot of fun to use with the kids - they can do some pretty fun things with it.

    Best app to keep me organized
    So far it has been notes - everything I have done on my iPad is stored in Notes.

  13. Most useful app: I have loved using Pages along with a bluetooth keyboard. I've liked it so well that I am looking into getting a bunch of keyboards for our classroom and having kids do much of their written work that way, directly into the iPad.

    Best notetaking app: Evernote gets my vote. I like being able to access my notes over various devices, easily incorporate pics along with text.

    Best app to use in my area/department/grade level: Probably Evernote when we do notetaking. I like it.

    Best app to use if I was in a different area/department/grade level:
    Most entertaining app: Flipboard is pretty terrific for entertainment and news.
    Best app to keep me organized: Pinterest. I discovered this social bookmarking site this summer. I don't use the social end of it as much as many seem to at this time, but I use it to organize interesting articles, images, websites, etc., that I stumble across on the web and want to be able to remember later. I can access it from my laptop, iPad, or phone.

  14. Most Useful App: NYTimes App. I am reading so much more about technology now than I have ever before. Keeping up with more educational reviews or how other schools are doing things and being "in the know" has been so great. I just didn't go to NY times on line before, but with the iPad , I am doing it daily.

    Best Notetaking App:
    Ever note is still my favorite

    Best app to use in my department/
    There really are too many to talk about, but probably ever note, khan academy, tools for students

    Most entertaining App: C The Collection from the NY Times

    Best app to use if I was in a different department: didn't have an answer for that one....I'm using a variety of apps from across subjects and interests....

  15. Teacher Leadership Subscribe to RSS
    Six Scaffolding Strategies to Use with Your Students-

    I had not looked at the Paideia Tech Daily yet, and this was *fantastic*. This is something that I have do with all the students I work with and it's a great reminder for all!

  16. (I am not one for superlatives or ultimates… hence, multiple nominations are given)

    Useful: Calendar, Notes, Reminders

    Good for Note Taking: Notability (as recommended by my mentor, Elisa)

    Good for My Area/Level: Algebra Champ and games listed under Entertaining catagory

    Good for a Different Area: The Elements

    Entertaining: Bubble Ball, Blockwick, Incredible Machine, LogicPuzzles, Logic Games, Water?, Water Capacity (all involve problem solving of one type or another)

    Good for Organization: Evernote, Calendar, Notes, Reminders

    Waste of Time: Paper Toss
